2017/09/17 - Homily - 24th ord.Sunday - Cycle A

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Ezekiel  18:25-28;   Philippians 2:1-11;  Matt 21:28-32

Today we have the story of two sons and their father.  The response of both boys captures our responses in faith. YES or NO. When do we have to give such an important answer?


When you got married, when we accept priesthood or religious life, two major choices for our life. But also when we sign a good contract for a job. Or when we decide to move to other country. ON the other hand we have to say NO to many other things. For example, no signature to a tricky job leading us into the inferno of moral troubles.  

Is it possible to remain firm with our yes or our no? Surely not, because human life like all lives, even nature one, is constantly moving. Jesus in the parable is challenging our sincerity and fidelity, in our Yes to his invitation to be faithful to God’s Will.

   - Are we faithful and sincere in our Yes’s as we go through life? 

   - Are we willing to take responsibility for our decisions and stand over them?

Our human Yes and No to people will probably also reflects accurately our response to God’s Call.

Last Sunday’s Gospel said that God never gives up on us. He will always receive us back and for this we have just to change our ways and return back to him.

Our faith requires choices and commitment in fidelity to the words of Jesus. We have to grow through the image and likeness of Christ. 

Sometimes when we say yes but really mean no, we may well lose touch with our own inner true self, the one of the unique person we are for God. 

We all know people sometimes saying yes when they mean no. They may lie because of false human respect/fear of consequences of what the boss or someone might do to them. Very often it`s not because we are bad people but only weak/afraid and hence making wrong choices. Our hope and joy is that the Lord will forgive us.

The Pharisees were hypocritical they considered themselves as the best and judged others harshly as not being fit to enter the kingdom of God. We can sometimes be like them.

We say we believe in God but are we willing to live our faith according to the values proclaimed by Jesus which are: right relationship, forgiveness and mercy.

To follow Jesus requires dying to self, and being faithful to everything taught by Christ in his different parables.