2020/07/01 - Meditation - Handover

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It was a sunny day, and the hot weather a reminder that it was mid summer. The hot weather was in my heart too, because for the first time in my life the feast was organized for me. I've never celebrated any anniversary because it was not a habit at home ?. But the saint patron’s day was quite a tiny celebration as I used to share a pocket of sweets with my classmates.

Apart from that, nothing, so the  communion was for me a greatly appreciated feast. Totally concentrated on myself, but at the same time I felt pushed off from my selfishness by the understanding, the one I could achieve as a child, of what was the mysterious connection linking me forever.

I've never stopped thinking over what had happened at the very beginning of my spiritual life. To be precise, it was not the first communion which  had marked me so much, but rather the second or third received every day of that  very week following the Sunday of the 1st of July. The handover from the bottom of my earthly live to the top of my spiritual one started there.

Freedom of a life grounded in the spiritual world was so adventurous, challenging my will to submit beneath God's one.  Nonetheless, I would never replace it by anything else, no handover to go back or even to go forwards if anything of the sort could be imaginable.

For handover is already over, I will want nothing in addition.